Boston Skeptics in the Pub video

| Wednesday, June 4th, 2008 | Comments Off on Boston Skeptics in the Pub video

Updated: Boston Skeptics in the Pub videos can now be found at the Boston Skeptics channel at Vimeo.

Maggie will be at WWDC next week. If you see her, say hello.

* This (Patty Pieniadz) was the first time the event has been held at Tommy Doyle’s and there was no shortage of small issues we had to overcome. One of them was that the speaker had to be moved up front and, unfortunately, away from the otherwise ample house lights. So, apologies for the grain from low light. We did the best we could under the circumstances. Also, the projector did not want to work for the presentation, so that was inserted in post. And, finally, our backup audio was spotty, so everything is taken off the speaker’s mic. OK, excuses sorted! *grin*

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